Jesus said, Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. At the United Church in Rhyl we believe that wasn’t just a message for those who first heard it, or for those in the church, but a mission statement of what the church should be about.
This is the vision behind the ASK Centre where folk right across our community can Ask and Seek for the advice and help they need, and Knock to find opportunities of support and encouragement.
Five streams of work make up the ASK Centre –
- Advice offered through our partner, Citizen’s Advice Denbighshire
- Food for those in need, through our food bank and cafe
- Facilities that provide for a whole range of community groups
- Worship through the life of the church community
- Community Cohesion by offering this altogether in one place.
We’d love to welcome you to the ASK Centre, connect, support and encourage one another. Please contact us to find out more.